Huge Service Announcement
For all of this semester thus far I have been struggling with the unknown fact of whether I could graduate on time, and thank God I can. Phew. I found myself eating worse and breaking out into, oh so beautiful, zits on my face. From all the stress I found the bags under my eyes a usual look when I saw my reflection every morning. This stress was unbearable considering I was not sure on my graduation date.
Now, on a different note...where will I end up after graduation? I know we're all thinking it. Don't lie. I know we are. It is the huge question mark engraved into our brains; what job am I going to get? Or, will I even get a job? Or, am I willing to travel? Now, speaking of traveling...damn do I want to travel around the world. I always considered jobs positions that enabled me to travel, but I just still didn't know what I wanted to do. I switched my ideas on what I wanted to do more than I switched outfits in a day (and trust me, I wear a whole weeks worth of clothes in one day, seriously). When I was really little I always wanted to be an actress. I mean can you blame me? I wanted to be just like those Disney Channel stars. You know, like That's So Raven and Phil of the Future and (pre-crazy, awesome, however you want to put it) Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana. I can just remember watching the Disney Channel Original Movie every. single. night. at 8 o'clock. My dad would storm into my room yelling at me for not doing my book report. Ah. Good times.

I swear I have a point for going down memory lane.
So, here it is. It's that I started off wanting to something insanely unrealistic. As you get older you start to get more realistic on your choices. From there, I wanted to be a Photographer. I couldn't tell you why because I learned at an early age that, dear God, I am a shitty artist. And yes, even in taking pictures. I knew right from when I painted flowers in 8th grade art class and everyone thought they were lollipops (and yes I still have that painting) that the arts were simply not the right path for me.
By the time I reached high school I found a love for Biology and Criminology. I know it sounds weird, but Criminology fascinated me. I thought it was so interesting; I'm not weird. It was interesting learning about it, and you know why? Because it was unusual. Now here I go on a whole new rant. Unusual is what interests people and that is the truth. This applies in education, movies, and even in Journalism. Unusual gets the top stories, and that's the messed up truth. Going off of that, I wanted to pursue in either Biology or Criminology. I still don't know to this day why I just let Criminology float away, but that just faded from my interest by the time I went to school. My best guess is the only school that offered that majored that I applied was out in bumblefuck Virginia. I can't hang there. I just can't. I also just did not wanted to work in a research lab for Biology, so there's that.
Anyways, going into school I was Undeclared. Still having no clue on what the hell I was going to do. I decided I wanted to help Special Needs kids so I went to education. I majored in middle school level (I think, I switched a lot). I realized after a few semesters in education that it wasn't what I wanted to do. It just wasn't my passion I guess. That's when I finally realized a year ago that I would major in Communication Studies. That was the greatest decision I ever made, because I have infinite options I can do with that degree.
I apologize for the incredibly excessive post for today, but there you go. That's how I ended up in the career path I am today. Main point being that as long as you like what you do, then you will find your way. I have no clue what I am doing after school, but I am at peace with that because at least I know I'll love what I will be doing in the future.
And I'll leave you with this precious picture of two puppies.

If this doesn't brighten your day then you have no soul.
Just kidding. But seriously.
<3 Mack