You know how I feel every morning?
It would be a combination of this:
Or this:
(You can't go wrong with throwing Lord of the Rings into anything)
Thou does make a point.
Any way...back to my main point. I discovered the aggravating truth last night when I had a terrible headache equivalent to being hit by a truck (I know I'm basic with my metaphors, sue me). Regardless, I am sitting at dinner asking myself why have I had this consistent headache all day that no amounts of Advil and Aleve would reALEVE me from (haha get it?)?
Then I finally realized:
I never had my daily dose of caffeine that day. I am so accustomed to downing an unhealthy amount of coffee mixed with my pre-workout every day that without it I felt with drawl, yes with drawl, symptoms from not ingesting caffeine.
Goes to show, caffeine with drawl symptoms are a real thing. A throbbing head ache all day: not fun. That's not even going into detail on how tired I was.
To all you caffeine addicts out: I get it.
I'll always remember my daily dose of caffeine addiction so I can feel like this everyday:
Smile on folks.
And coffee makes you poop.
And that's the inevitable truth